Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bump on a Rump

I am totally amazed at the ingenuity of capitalism. Think of something just anything and I will bet you there’s a product for it. Today (Sunday) I got my morning coffee and sat down in front of the laptop to check my email and catch up on the latest search engine rankings when I accidentally ran across this one particular website. It was pretty much dedicated to what I would call prosthetic undergarments and was very inventive to say the least!
Now as I am certain that everyone has heard and seen padded bras at least once in their lifetimes including myself but here in front of me on the computer screen was something I had never seen before. Right before my eyes was something called “Bump on a Rump”! Yes that’s right Padded Panties. I can assure you that I have never seen such a thing or even imagined they existed. Panties for women that have padding in them to give the appearance they have a higher and bigger butt. Looking further I found something they called sticky buns, padded cones that stick to your butt cheeks. I thought to myself wow what will they come up with next?
My curiosity was very much piqued by this time so I had to investigate this further and upon further examination I saw such garments as “The Caboost”, “Bump on a Rump”, “Tush Cush”, “Fancy Fanny” and as you can imagine the list goes on and on. Now my imagination is running wild with scenarios. We’ve all heard stories of women pulling the proverbial toilet paper padding out of their bras but now it is just a minute I have to pop my butt off!! So now this beautiful curvy creature has transformed into a flat and skinny woman of less than average proportions. Just what were they thinking?
I am firmly convinced that people will buy just about anything. In our quest for instant gratification we stoop to all levels to satisfy our desires and beautification is no exception. Our society has become so influenced by the McDonalds philosophy that we have become extremely impatient in achieving our needs and desires. Instead of healing the wound we are accepting a quick bandaid to fix our deficiencies.
To add insult to injury there are even male garments. Yes men can have a bigger butt with padded underwear and yes they are even padded in the front also. We are very vain creatures aren’t we? So I wonder how he explains that one! There are ways to naturally increase the size and shape of virtually every part of the human anatomy including the buttocks. If your imagination is as vibrant as mine surely you can visualize the scenarios when they first present themselves.

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