Why are women so obsessed over their butts? Well in my opinion women want to look as good going as they do coming. It’s a fact that men now prefer a woman to have a nice derrier’. In times past men (and women) were only obsessed with the size of their breasts and for good reason but in recent years more emphasis has been put on the buttocks.
We’ve all heard the terms big booty or she’s packing right! Even junk in her trunk became a common term for a woman with a bigger butt. How about this one “more cushion for the pushin” another popular slang term for a big round booty. Well these terms have become the “norm” in todays society. No longer is a flat or unflattering butt acceptable. Woman are considered more desirable and attractive when their butts are round firm and protruding. Yes curves are in now!!
Take a look at todays most popular celebritys to see where the trend is going. Beyonce’, J Lo, and let us not forget Kim Kardashian, what do they all have in common? That’s right a nice big firm butt! Skinny is out and volumptuous is definitely in. No longer will a flat ,saggy or small butt suffice. If you don’t have a full smooth and firm butt well let’s just say you’re not quite as desirable. But there is help out there.
Butt implants and fat augmentation are fairly common but with less than consistent results. They’re not only costly (upwards of $5k) but they’re painful and not considered permanent as they tend to shift, leak and get lumpy. So what’s a girl to do? Well there are some good exercise regimens out there but the problem with exercising is it’s good to strengthen the gluteous maximus muscles which will give you some lift but add absolutely no volume and that’s what you want is volume.
I have talked with some girls who tried to eat their way to a bigger butt but the problem with that is you get bigger everywhere else too!! There are some pill supplements on the market that claim to enlarge the butt however common sense tells us that how does the pill know to work just on the butt? That’s right it doesn’t and that’s if it really works at all which is highly doubtful. There is a new product on the market that has been clinically tested and appears to have a lot of promise. It is called Luv My Butt . This product makes sense and has been clinically tested so that adds some legitimacy to it. I don’t know all the particulars of it but they do have a website luvmybutt.com. I intend to check them out maybe you should too. That is if you’re serious about getting that sexy butt in time for bikini weather!
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