Thursday, January 20, 2011

Beware of How to get a Bigger Butt Internet Scams

I get email all the time from women wanting to enhance their buttocks asking about this product or that product. My first response to them is ok if you're buying it can you Touch it? See it? Feel it? Smell it? Well if you can't then it aint a product!! It's some rehashed made up mumbo jumbo from someone who is trying to get in your pocketbook and steal your hard earned money!! What am I talking about? I am talking about the biggest scam to hit the internet E BOOKS. Instantly downloadable information after your money is sucked out of your account. For instance just search "How to Get a Bigger Butt" on google or most any other search engine and see what you find. That's right!! Nothing but people peddling ebooks on how to make your butt bigger. Is this legal?? Absolutely! As long as they give you a product (ebook) for your hard earned money it is. Can you get a refund if you're not satisfied? If you can get an act of congress maybe. But wait you don't have a product to give back to them just a link to some site where you can download the ebook. Most ebooks start at around $37 but discount to $19 instantly some sophisticated ones have a pop up that states "WAIT" we want to give you a discount today. Some even advertise only 23 left at this price!! Or some other made up number. The ebooks look legit in pictures on the web site but hey anyone can make an ebook cover just search "ebook covers" on google Then there are all these "How to" sites and affiliate marketers trying to make a buck advertising these ebooks by doing phony product reviews and supposedly offering professional opinions. The list goes on and on. Who are these people peddling the ebooks? Well I would imagine they are not who they say they are. How to get a Bigger Butt search provided over 11 million responses on the subject, after reading the first two pages on google I found absolutely "NO REAL PRODUCTS" just a bunch of made up mumbo jumbo about Gluteus to the Maximus and a whole bunch of exercises. I assuse they were referring to the gluteous muscles. Truth be told all of these exercise ebooks are probably offered by some cow sitting on the couch eating Bon Bons using clever pen names like Joe Universe or Juan Pierre etc. etc. claiming to be authentic personal trainers or fitness instructors and certainly all the information contained in these ebooks can be found for FREE on the internet. How do you think they got it in the first place. My advice-Don't waste your time and MONEY on these ebooks!!

 There are legitimate REAL ways to enlarge lift tone and shape your buttocks.

The above article is just the opinions of the author. All names are purely ficticious and in no way meant to depict any real person

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bigger Firmer Rounder Sexier Butt

Why are women so obsessed over their butts? Well in my opinion women want to look as good going as they do coming. It’s a fact that men now prefer a woman to have a nice derrier’. In times past men (and women) were only obsessed with the size of their breasts and for good reason but in recent years more emphasis has been put on the buttocks.
We’ve all heard the terms big booty or she’s packing right! Even junk in her trunk became a common term for a woman with a bigger butt. How about this one “more cushion for the pushin” another popular slang term for a big round booty. Well these terms have become the “norm” in todays society. No longer is a flat or unflattering butt acceptable. Woman are considered more desirable and attractive when their butts are round firm and protruding. Yes curves are in now!!
Take a look at todays most popular celebritys to see where the trend is going. Beyonce’, J Lo, and let us not forget Kim Kardashian, what do they all have in common? That’s right a nice big firm butt! Skinny is out and volumptuous is definitely in. No longer will a flat ,saggy or small butt suffice. If you don’t have a full smooth and firm butt well let’s just say you’re not quite as desirable. But there is help out there.
Butt implants and fat augmentation are fairly common but with less than consistent results. They’re not only costly (upwards of $5k) but they’re painful and not considered permanent as they tend to shift, leak and get lumpy. So what’s a girl to do? Well there are some good exercise regimens out there but the problem with exercising is it’s good to strengthen the gluteous maximus muscles which will give you some lift but add absolutely no volume and that’s what you want is volume.
I have talked with some girls who tried to eat their way to a bigger butt but the problem with that is you get bigger everywhere else too!! There are some pill supplements on the market that claim to enlarge the butt however common sense tells us that how does the pill know to work just on the butt? That’s right it doesn’t and that’s if it really works at all which is highly doubtful. There is a new product on the market that has been clinically tested and appears to have a lot of promise. It is called Luv My Butt . This product makes sense and has been clinically tested so that adds some legitimacy to it. I don’t know all the particulars of it but they do have a website I intend to check them out maybe you should too. That is if you’re serious about getting that sexy butt in time for bikini weather!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Butt and Nothing but the Butt

This blog is dedicated to all sisters who want to have the Perfect Butt

How can you get a bigger sexier and firmer Butt
Women can be very vain creatures and in particular to their body image. While most of the focus has been on their breasts and rightly so, more and more women are becoming aware of their rear end image as well. With the popularity of such celebrity’s such as Beyonce’, Kim Kardashian, J-Lo and many others who sport a round smooth butt women are paying more attention to their buttocks. For many it is cult like and a large butt is a status symbol.
 The competition is fierce for those wanting to attract the opposite sex by sporting a big bubble butt. This is more prevailant amongst  African American females but the desire is growing in other ethnicities as well. There are ways to increase the buttocks with the most prevailant being exercise regimens but I have yet to see an exercise program do little more than increase the glutes and not add any size.
Then there are the vitamin pills, well we all could use good vitamins but not to increase our butt size. Not that they aren’t capable of growing fat but maybe in all the wrong places too. You can eat your way to a bigger booty but you’ll most likely have a bigger everything else too! Then there are the butt implants and fat augmentation procedures. Painful, costly and not permanent just like breast implants, results vary greatly too. Could you imagine sitting on a bag of saline or silicone? Brazillian butt lift is very popular and no it’s not a product but rather a style.
So what’s a woman to do you ask? Well there may be a program on the market that does what it advertises. You see there are no singular products or exercise regimen that  will give measureable results by themselves. A combination of natural supplements containing Fenugreek, phytoestrogen, a miracle product containing the extract Volufiline in sufficient volume to produce fast results and an easy exercise regimen to strengthen the butt muscles to properly hold up the added volume.
Ther is such a new product on the market and it’s not available in stores. It is appropriately named LuvMyButt and is distributed by the Thomson Development Group. Last time I checked their website was not live but I believe they were going live around the 10th of January 2011. is their URL. I was told that given the amazing results it was very competitive in it’s pricing.